I thought this week would be status quo since I've already had so many amazing experiences. For the first time in my life, I was wrong. :)
Today at Vo Flor, the kids were eager to improve their English and adamant that I pronounce each Portuguese word with perfection.
We immensely appreciated the hello from the Westlake High School Girls Basketball Team. It's nice to know you're thinking of us in Estados Unidos, and the children definitely love to see photos/videos of people they wouldn't otherwise.
We tried to record a response, but we couldn't get it quite right today. We'll try again tomorrow.
Today was one of the best afternoon's I've had thus far...
Nap and ice cream with my Chinese spiritual twin (we both choose banana).
Blessing of ribbons I purchased for Westlake team
Sites seen today
I ended the evening with Shirley and Ivelisse. We went to an art store to purchase supplies for the children's activities the rest of the week, and ended the day with Brazilian style Pizza. We've all bonded with one another and this photo in Pelourinho captures it.